Legislation & Planning
Provincial Government Role
The provincial government has a direct role in determining legislation, managing activities in the M-KMA and directing planning such as in development of local strategic plans (outlined below).
The Muskwa-Kechika Management Area Act was established to provide recognition of the significance and uniqueness of the M-KMA in terms of its wilderness, abundance and diversity of wildlife, culture and heritage values, and resource values. The Act defines M-KMA road and access management as integral to achieving the intent of the Management Area, and states that, "the long-term objective is to return lands to their natural state as development activities are completed."
The M-KMA Act is an overarching piece of legislation that lends substance to the Management Area by
- requiring that resource management is conducted according to the M-KMA Management Plan
- requiring that local strategic plans are developed to uphold the intent of the M-KMA
- providing specifications for operational activities where a local strategic plan is not yet in place
- establishing the M-KAB separate from government to advise on the management of M-KMA resources
- establishing a Trust Fund to fund projects in support of the M-KMA intent (e.g. research and planning)
M-KMA Management Plan Regulation
The M-KMA Management Plan Regulation specifies that implementation will be conducted by relevant government agencies through planning, resource development and Crown land and natural resource dispositions. The plan outlines the:
- Advisory Board and BC government's Interagency Management Committee (IAMC) roles & responsibilities
- direction, approval and requirements for local strategic plan development and operational activity
- monitoring reporting / transition (e.g. grandparenting) / general management direction
Access Management Area Regulation
The access management area regulation establishes designated routes for motorised access, with permits required for industrial access. Specifications are given for travel on designated routes including the type and size of vehicle that is permitted, areas that are intended for non-motorised travel only, and exceptions to the regulations.
See BC Laws: Public Access Prohibition Regulation
Local Strategic Plans
Local Strategic Plans guide managers to maintain the intent of the M-KMA for wildlife, oil and gas, parks, recreation and forestry.
Wildlife Management Plan
Approved in October 2009, the M-K Wildlife Strategy and Technical manual identifies the wildlife species found in the M-KMA and their habitat, including amphibians and birds, and sets management direction for ensuring ecological integrity of the M-KMA and maintaining wildlife diversity and habitat.
Link M-K Wildlife Strategy: https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eirs/viewDocumentDetail.do?fromStatic=true&repository=BDP&documentId=10050
Link M-K Wildlife Technical Manual: https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eirs/viewDocumentDetail.do?fromStatic=true&repository=BDP&documentId=10051
Pre-tenure Plan
The Pre-Tenure Plan is established for areas of identified high oil and gas potential, and provides direction for managing the resource in a sustainable manner and maintaining the intent of the M-KMA Act.
Park Management Plans
There are three levels of park management planning: Purpose Statements (less detail for small protected areas) Management Direction Statements (greater detail for the majority of protected areas) and Park Management Plans (highly detailed plans for sizeable protected areas).
These plans identify the purpose of the protected area and the values found within the area. The plans recommend a vision and establish goals, objectives and management strategies for the protected areas.
Currently these plans are not available for review as they have not yet been approved. However, in the future the plans will most likely be posted to the BC Parks provincial website.
Recreation Management Plan
The Recreation Management Plan identifies recreational opportunities in the M-KMA, summarises the current status of recreation in the M-KMA and identifies desired conditions under which recreation will occur/ categorizes recreation areas and specifies management direction.
Landscape Unit Objectives
Landscape unit objectives are established for a landscape unit to guide forest development and other operational planning.
Management Area
Quick Facts
Muskwa-Kechika is pronounced 'musk-quah-ke-chee-kah'